Wills and Trusts

Estate Planning Attorneys That Help Protect Your Family and Preserve Your Legacy

Nalls Davis provides a wide range of services for wills and trusts. Whether you’re planning the guidelines of your medical care or establishing a safety net for your loved ones upon your passing, we can help you create effective instruments to fit your unique wishes.

Most wills are drafted to simply meet the court’s definition of valid. We work closely with you to extend beyond the basic standard and ensure your will is comprehensive and effective. Our goal is to understand your final wishes and guide you through any concerns so that your will meets the full range of your intentions. When life-changing events happen, such as marriage or the birth of kids, we sit with our clients to review and amend documents as necessary.

In the event you were to become permanently incapacitated, your living will sets the guidelines for your desired medical instructions. Your Health Care Power of Attorney is the legal document that allows you to empower another person to make your medical decisions if you are temporarily incapacitated. Nalls Davis always recommends these documents to protect your wishes in your most vulnerable state.

We provide a variety of trusts to help our clients secure and preserve their legacies. Trusts can be very flexible and can be drafted to fit your personal intentions. Nalls Davis has helped many clients throughout Ohio protect assets, family, and preserve wealth with precise trust instructions and milestones.


Wills and Trusts Services

✅ Drafting Wills

✅ Drafting Trusts

✅ Reviewing and Amending Wills

✅ Business Succession Planning

✅ Advanced Directives (Living Wills)

✅ Health Care Power of Attorney

✅ Funding Trusts

✅ Asset Protection Planning

Book Your FREE Consultation for Wills and Trusts Services